首页 / 钱皇帝
剧名: 钱皇帝
演员: 李乃文 , 冯文娟 , 张峻宁 , 谭凯 , 姬他 , 芦展翔 , 赵子琪 , 郭阳
导演: 杨泷杰
上映: 1993 评分: 70
地区: 韩国 语言: 韩语

  Wang, who is the chairman of Myeonggwang Group, which has numerous affiliates, spends every day doing 求爱all things such as golf, hunting, and lust. Myeonggwang Group, a subsidiary of Myeonggwang Group, is busy with the task of raising union labor unions and establishing democratic unions, and sewing is elected as representative of Myeongwang Motor union. On the other hand, Ji-s...