首页 / 傻瓜宣言
剧名: 傻瓜宣言
演员: 马克·韦伯 , Cheri , Honkala , Guillermo , Santos , 玛德琳·布鲁尔
导演: 马克·韦伯
上映: 1983 评分: 90
地区: 韩国 语言: 韩语

  Dim witted Dong-chul (Kim Myeong-kon) roams the streets of downtown Seoul wearing the clothes and watch left behind by a film director (Lee Jang-ho) who mitted suicide. One day, he sees a pretty college student named Hye-young (Lee Bo-hee). He conspires with auto mechanic Yuk-deok (Lee Hee-seong) to kidnap her, only to discover that she is not a college student but a prostit...