首页 / 不可战胜
剧名: 不可战胜
演员: BorisBabochkin , BorisBlinov , TamaraMakarova , Boris , Babochkin , Boris , Blinov , 塔玛拉·马卡洛娃
导演: 谢尔盖·格拉西莫夫 , 米哈依尔·卡拉托佐夫
上映: 1943 评分: 90
地区: 苏联 语言:

片长:88 语言:俄语 国家:苏联 颜色:黑/白 导演:谢尔盖格拉西莫夫,米哈伊尔卡拉托佐夫 演员: 鲍里斯巴博奇金 鲍里斯Blinov 塔玛拉马卡洛娃 Description: The autumn of 1941. Leningrad is besieged by the Nazis. A new model of tank is being developed at a large defense plant. Built in the shortest possible time combat vehicles are tested directly on battlefields, fighting with the Nazis in the outskirts of the city. The first feature agitprop...
