首页 / 末世游侠
剧名: 末世游侠
演员: Steve , William , Monique , Tony , 迈克尔·德·梅萨
导演: 西里奥·H·圣地亚哥
上映: 1983 评分: 40
地区: 菲律宾 语言: 英语

The world's water supply has dried up due to some sort of apocalypse. A beautiful woman holds the secret to where one of the last springs being guarded by a group of Amazons. A 'Road Warrior' like crew captures her and tries to make her talk through brutal torture. The hero (Styrker) unites with some of the remaining 'good guys' and the Amazons and frees the woman. They go on to a 'Road Warrior' type of concluding battle with the bad guys

剧集 片源: 1 2 3