首页 / 魔术大揭秘
剧名: 魔术大揭秘
演员: 米彻·佩勒吉 , Val , Valentino , Allie , Cohen
导演: Don , Weiner
上映: 2008 评分: 100
地区: 美国 语言: 英语

由导演Don Weiner执导,2008年上映的《魔术大揭秘》,是由米彻·佩勒吉,Val Valentino,Allie Cohen等主演的欧美综艺片。   MyNetworkTV presents the all-new series, "Magic s Biggest Secrets Revealed" starring the Masked Magician. "Magic s Biggest Secrets Revealed" stars Val Valentino as the Masked Magician sometimes called the Masked Mr. M.   Val has been on TV many times in the past with shows like "Breaking the Magician s Code: Magic s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed" with 3 additional series that followed with basically the same titles or a variation on those titles. The premiere episode will have special guest stars in 2 of the WWE s hottest Divas in Eve and Maria!