首页 / 风暴家园
剧名: 风暴家园
演员: Luna , Arzoni , Nicolas , Bachm
导演: Lisa , Blatter , Jan , Gassmann , Gregor , Frei , Benny , Jaberg , Carmen , Jaquier , Michael , Krummenacher , Jonas , Meier
上映: 2015 评分: 100
地区: 其它 语言: 其它

由导演Lisa Blatter,Jan Gassmann,Gregor Frei,Benny Jaberg,Carmen Jaquier,Michael Krummenacher,Jonas Meier,Tobias Nölle,Lionel Rupp,Mike Scheiwiller执导,2015年上映的《风暴家园》,是由Luna Arzoni,Nicolas Bachmann,Egon Betschart,Soumeya Ferro-Luzzi,Morgane Ferru,Roberto Garieri,Julia Glaus,Liana Hangartner,Peter Jecklin,Gabriel Noah Maurer,Dashmir Ristemi,Isaka Sawadogo,Michèle Schaub-Jackson,Florin Schmidig,Viola von Scarpatetti等主演的剧情片。   Ten directors of a new generation of filmmakers tell how differently people in Switzerland cope with the worst imaginable disaster; the fact of being dependent on other countries.

剧集 片源: FF源