首页 / 秘密游戏2
剧名: 秘密游戏2
演员: Martin , Hewitt , Michele , Brin , Delia , Sheppard , Catya , Sassoon
导演: Gregory , Dark
上映: 1992 评分: 100
地区: 美国 语言: 英语

百无聊赖、被忽视的家庭主妇决定去一家高级妓院工作,寻求刺激。 她下午会遇到一些有魅力的,令人兴奋的男人和女人。 不幸的是,她发现在娱乐宫工作有一些缺点。Bored and neglected housewife decides to seek excitement working in a classy whorehouse. She meets some attractive and exciting men and women to spend time with in the afternoons. Unfortunately, she finds that working at a pleasure palace has some disadvantages. Written by Greg Mintz